Congratulations on the collection. Although I read them all in the raw, can't wait to get my hands on the bushelful.

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Although a really cool title, "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" didn't quite cut it without the "An Inquiry into Values." Wasn't about Zen, art or fixing hogs. The subtitle is the key. Pirsig's publisher probably thought it needed something extra, too.

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Yes, readers need signposts to figure out what they're in for. And bookshops must put the volumes on the correct shelves. The Pirsig book might have ended under DIY or Motorsports otherwise.

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Loved the thoughts about titles. I’m glad I refused to listen to any advice about keeping titles short. One of my favorite titles (and books) of all time is Ricard Farina’s Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up To Me. Perfect title for that book.

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I wasn't concerned about the length of the title for the story collection, what bugged me as that I needed to get a subtitle and I wanted that to be short, to balance things... but I couldn't chop it to 2 words, it just didn't work. BTW, I finished Nymph... will do a review.

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Richard, not Ricard!

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Congratulations Martine!! Got my copy, ready to go... xo

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Thank you so much!

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