Never been a horror fan, but I managed to write a horror short story that will be in the "Gore 3," an anthology of horror/gore stories coming out in Oct 2023 from Poe Boy Publishing. It's easier to write horror and gore than to read or watch, or so I learned. Interesting experience, stepping outside my usual genre of literary fiction.

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Oh the darkness inside of us! Horror fiction is an exorcism in itself, allowing us to go places we’d rather not acknowledge. Well written, Martine! And I love gazpacho!

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by Martine Proctor

I also write horror occasionally, and like you, I love the freedom it gives me to play with the supernatural. Great post!

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by Martine Proctor

I've really come around to horror the last few years, I think it took a little while for me to recover from a far too early exposure to slashers and killer sharks. Still not much for "torture" porn, but I loves me Meg movies! 🦈

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Crouton caught 😂

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I love the way horror evolves with the times. The Cold War had a huge impact on the horror movies of my childhood in the 50s and early 60s. Those alien invasion movies, with the intellectually superior but soulless creatures (often with hive minds), defeated by the scrappy, ingenious (American) earthlings were pretty obvious allegories. Invasion of the Body Snatchers reminded us that the Commies were living amongst us. The fear of the bomb inspired a lot of horror. The warning at the end of The Thing--Keep looking! Keep watching the skies!--definitely struck a chord. The challenge of horror writers is to take the horror we see on the news and find a way to make it digestible in the safety of fiction.

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Martine Proctor

The Gothic really took off late 18th century/early 19th. Horror Gothic dates back to The Monk and involves being disgusted, shocked, grossed out. Terror Gothic dates back to Ann Radcliffe and involves surprise/suspense/what's around the corner? Sometimes movie makers blend both.

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Martine Proctor

Love this, Martine! I generally don't think of myself as a horror fan, but I like some of the films you mentioned, so I guess I am. ;)

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