When it comes to marathons, I'm more the cheering-on-the-sidewalk, handing-out-the-cups-of-water type of guy. Roger that on growing the demand before getting all rambunctious on the supply side. Read people! And even if you don't, books make a delightful backdrop for your Zoom meetings while making you look smart.
You can do this. I don't know why I didn't do it this year. Last year was my first attempt. I didn't have a clue as to what I was going to write. I went in three days late. I'd found an old story and I thought, I'll just expand this. It was what I needed after the year I'd had. Maybe that's why I didn't do it this year? I needed it to get myself motivated.
"Il y a a boire et a manger" as we say in French - pretty much means it's a dog's breakfast, lol! Great scenes, good scenes, shoddy scenes... there will be cleaning to do at the end, but it's always interesting to me to see what I can come up with under pressure.
When it comes to marathons, I'm more the cheering-on-the-sidewalk, handing-out-the-cups-of-water type of guy. Roger that on growing the demand before getting all rambunctious on the supply side. Read people! And even if you don't, books make a delightful backdrop for your Zoom meetings while making you look smart.
I wonder if NaNoWriMo isn't just a wonderfully sneaky conspiracy to get more people reading? As I was just saying - we make the best readers. ::))
The Night Circus was a NaNo book which I quite enjoyed...
You can do this. I don't know why I didn't do it this year. Last year was my first attempt. I didn't have a clue as to what I was going to write. I went in three days late. I'd found an old story and I thought, I'll just expand this. It was what I needed after the year I'd had. Maybe that's why I didn't do it this year? I needed it to get myself motivated.
"Il y a a boire et a manger" as we say in French - pretty much means it's a dog's breakfast, lol! Great scenes, good scenes, shoddy scenes... there will be cleaning to do at the end, but it's always interesting to me to see what I can come up with under pressure.
Good luck, and have fun! If it turns into a novel, you can be sure I'll be there to read it.
I haven't done my word quota yet today... I'll have to haul ass later...