Hi Martine, can't wait for your book to be published in March! I'll be the first one in line to order it.

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Love the Tin Cup reference. I have played that hole many times!!!! Keep the writing coming

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I definitely will keep it coming. Thanks for reading, Billy!

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Great post - and oh yes, I love Tin Cup - I totally get the parallel there. The yips!

Prompts as a rule, don't work for me. But it sounds like they really do for you. It may be the reason your work is so diverse.

Me, I'm just thinking about stuff... and then I write it down. Sometimes :)

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You must be right about the diversity of subjects. Words summon images or people and the story flows from that. It goes pretty much where it wants to go, and I don't feel bound by "genre". Just thinking about stuff works for a book - a story idea and then things start moving. In short stories, I think that if I relied on what's going on in my head, I would keep writing the same thing over and over, fall into the groove.

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Intriguing post, M. And funny how it came at just the right moment. I too am in need of a good prompt right now, and was checking some out today. The idea to check out prompts when I’m between projects is a new one for me, but the “being stuck on what to write after I’ve just completed something” I know like the back of my hand. Never found a solution for it, and I always thought of it as writer’s block. Reading your post got me wondering, maybe they’re not the same thing? Anyway, prompts from lit mags are a very good idea. I’ll look some up and share any good ones.

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You could look at a magazine called "The First Line", it's a bit more than a prompt but their first lines have inspired some of my best stories. They've all been published, just not by TFL, lol! Of course I change the wording a bit when I submit to other publications...

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